This project is the result of a seed grant provided by AG2PI. We received funding to investigate educational gaps in data analysis in agriculture. All team members agreed that educational resources in our field are scarce, and we planned to create new training to help students in the field. However, we needed to investigate the resources available there so that existing tools would not be duplicated. We surveyed undergrad and graduate students, and the results indicated that we must develop new tools to bridge the knowledge gap, especially for undergraduates. We are working on a publication that will summarize our findings, and we are looking forward to the next steps. You will find a compilation of educational resources we curated on this page. This list is not final, and we expect to expand it with assistance from our community. Do not hesitate in contact us if you have any questions or if you wish to collaborate with us in this project.
The Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative(AG2PI) is funded by USDA NIFA awards: 2022-70412-38454, 2021-70412-35233, and 2020-70412-32615.